Retainer NPCs

Revna (Female Half-Elf, level 10)

Pronouns she/her
AC 20
HP 38
HD 10d6

Melee nine lives stealer sword 1d8+2 (1/9 souls stolen)
Missile long bow +2 (1d6+2) with 10 arrows +1
Hit Bonus [+7]

Movement Rate 60' (20')

STR 10 INT 11 WIS 9 (+1 temp) DEX 11 CON 11 CHA 13
Saves D6 W7 P8 B8 S8
Alignment lawful

Magic type arcane (carries a spellbook, uses spell scrolls)

Spells level 1 (3/3): floating disc, light (darkness), hold portal
level 2 (2/2): knock, mirror image

level 3 (1/2): dispel magic, protection from normal missiles

level 4 (1/1): charm monster

Items platemail +2 (AC 18), shield +2 (AC+2), nine lives stealer sword 1d8+2 (1/9 souls stolen), long bow +2 (1d6+2) with 10 arrows +1, level 6 spell scroll (deathlessness) USED, level 4 spell scroll (feeblemind) USED, level 5 spell scroll (cloudkill) USED, spellbook, amulet with raise the dead spell (auto-regen), elixir 1 USED, wand of cold, elixir 2, backpack
Heroic relic bloodstone

Items stored in cabin emerald longsword (1d10+2), two handed sword (1d10+1), shield (AC +1), potion of diminution, rope of climbing, level 3 spell scroll (dispel magic)

Torbjørn (Male Elf, level 10 (+1 temp)

Pronouns he/him
AC 23 melee/24 missile (includes bonesteel AC+4)
HP 44
HD 9d6

Melee wounding sword 1d8+1, sapphire longsword (1d10+3)
Missile javelin of lightning, holy water vials 1d8+2 (1d8 usage die)
Hit Bonus [+7 (temp +2)]

Movement Rate 60' (20')

STR 12 INT 15 WIS 12 (+1 temp) DEX 10 CON 14 CHA 10
Saves D6 W7 P8 B8 S8
Alignment lawful

Magic type arcane (carries a spellbook, uses spell scrolls)

Spells level 1 (3/3): read languages, magic missile, ventriloquism
level 2 (2/3): continual light (continual darkness), phantasmal force, web

level 3 (0/3): haste, lightning bolt, hold person

level 4 (3/3 temp): dimension door, polymorph others

level 5 (2/2 temp): wall of stone

Items helm of teleportation, platemail +1 (AC 17), emerald tower shield AC +2 melee/+3 missile, wounding sword 1d8+1, sapphire longsword 1d10+3, holy water vials 1d8+2 (1d8 usage die), javelin of lightning, level 4 spell scroll (remove curse), spellbook, amulet with raise the dead spell (auto-regen), elixir USED, backpack

Heroic relic hook chain

Items stored in cabin sword +1 (1d8+1), chainmail +1 (AC 15), shield (AC +1), long bow +1 (1d8 usage die arrows), level 5 spell scroll (conjure elemental)

📜✨ Quest spell cast by Sofi (8/19/23)

📜✨ Dream Quest spell cast by Guadium (4/5/23)

Talus (Female Magic User, level 7)

Pronouns she/her
AC 13 (reinforced robes +1)
HP 39
HD 7d6

Melee 2 x silver daggers (1d4, melee, missile)
Missile blunderbuss (1d6 or club 1d4, loud, spread, 1d8 usage die pellet rounds)
Hit Bonus [+2]

Movement Rate 90' (30')

STR 12 INT 15 WIS 11 DEX 10 CON 14 CHA 10
Saves D11 W12 P11 B14 S12
Alignment neutral

Magic type arcane (carries a spellbook, uses spell scrolls)

Spells level 1: magic missile, light, read languages
level 2: levitate, web
level 3:  infravision,  protection from evil 10' radius
level 4: wizard eye
Items reinforced robes +1 (AC 13), spellbook, 2 x silver daggers, blunderbuss, level 3 spell scroll (fire ball)

Heroic relic wizard lens

Erdrick (Male Mage, level 5)
🗿 Turned to stone by a medusa attacking The Sanctuary as of 2/24/23

Pronouns he/him
AC 15 (reinforced robes +1 + mage armour trait)
HP 28

HD 5d6

Melee sword (1d8)
Missile silver javelin (1d4, piercing, reusable), javelin of seeking (1d4+6)
Hit Bonus [0]

Movement Rate 90' (30')

STR 6 INT 17 WIS 14 DEX 8 CON 17 CHA 12
Saves D12 W13 P12 B15 S14
Alignment lawful

Magic type arcane (uses spell scrolls, doesn't carry a spellbook)

Items reinforced robes +1 (AC 13), sword, silver javelin, javelin of seeking, staff of healing, level 3 spell scroll (lightning bolt), level 1 spell scroll (magic missile)

Heroic relic life pendant

Sigrid (Female Half-Orc, level 8)

Pronouns she/her
AC 17 (chainmail + shield + 2 DEX mod)
HP 36
HD 8d6

Melee two-handed sword (1d10, slow, two-handed)

Missile oil flask, burning (1d8, splash damage, 1d10 usage die), pistol (1d8, loud, reload, misfire, 1d10 usage die bullets), crossbow (1d6, slow,  2-handed, 1d8 usage die bolts)
Hit Bonus [+2]

Movement Rate 120' (40')
STR 16 INT 11 WIS 16 DEX 17 CON 9 CHA 16
Saves D12 W13 P11 B14 S13

Alignment chaotic

Items chainmail (AC 14), shield, two-handed sword, oil flasks, pistol, crossbow, potion of clairvoyance
Heroic relic hook chain

Items stored in tent amethyst sword +2 (0/3 strikes), sword +1 giant slaying, garlic, 1d4 usage die of cured meats, javelin of seeking (1d4+6), rope

Tora (Female Halfling, level 8)

Pronouns she/her
AC 13 (lightweight leather armor + shield)
HP 45
HD 8d6

Melee sword (1d8)
Missile short bow (1d6, 1d8 usage die), javelin of seeking (1d4+6)
Hit Bonus [+5]

Movement Rate 120' (40')

STR 9 INT 11 WIS 9 DEX 11 CON 13 CHA 10
Saves D4 W5 P6 B7 S8

Alignment neutral

Items lightweight leather armor (AC 12), shield (AC +1), sword, venomous dagger, short bow, javelin of seeking, rod of cancellation

Heroic relic smoke bombs

Mia (Non-Binary Druid, level 10)

Pronouns they/them
AC 14 (reinforced robes + shield + ring)
HP 47
HD 9d6+1

Melee spear +1 (1d6+1, melee, missile)
Missile short bow (1d6, 1d8 usage die)
Hit Bonus [+5]

Movement Rate 90' (30')

STR 9 INT 12 WIS 10 DEX 11 CON 15 CHA 9
Saves D6 W7 P9 B11 S9
Alignment neutral
Magic type divine (prays to deity for spells, uses spell scrolls)

Spells level 1: detect danger, entangle, invisibility to animals
level 2: cure light wounds,  heat metal,  obscuring mist,  create water
level 3: call lightning, tree shape, hold animal
level 4: temperature control, summon animals, prot. from fire and lightning
level 5: wall of thorns, commune with nature, protection from plants and animals

Items sacred mistletoe of an oak tree, reinforced robes (AC 12), shield (AC +1), ring of protection (AC +1), spear +1, short bow, level 2 spell scroll (heat metal), level 3 spell scroll (growth of nature)

Heroic relic elven cloak

Svend (Male Fighter, level 7)
🗿 Turned to stone by a cockatrice attacking The Sanctuary as of 7/11/23

Pronouns he/him
AC 14 (lightweight leather armor + shield + 1 DEX mod)
HP 39

HD 7d8

Melee  sword +1, sharpness (1d8, chance to remove limbs)
Missile silver throwing stars (1d4, 1d12 usage die), short bow +1 (1d6+1)
Hit Bonus [+5]

Movement Rate 120' (40')

STR 13 INT 13 WIS 9 DEX 15 CON 9 CHA 11
Saves D8 W9 P10 B10 S12
Alignment lawful

Items lightweight leather armor (AC 12), shield (AC +1), sword +1 sharpness, silver throwing stars, short bow, periapt of proof against poison, elixir

Heroic relic medical kit

Ulf (Male Dwarf, level 6)

🗿 Turned to stone by a medusa attacking The Sanctuary as of 4/5/23

Pronouns he/him
AC 13 (leather armor + shield)
HP 31
HD 6d8

Melee hand axe +1 (1d6+1, melee, missile)
Missile crossbow (1d6,  slow, two-handed, 1d8 usage die)
Hit Bonus [+2]

Movement Rate 90' (30')

STR 13 INT 12 WIS 12 DEX 9 CON 10 CHA 13
Saves D6 W7 P8 B10 S10
Alignment neutral

Items leather armor (AC 12), shield (AC +1), hand axe +1, crossbow, javelin of seeking, potion of invulnerability, periapt of proof against poison

Heroic relics wizard lens, gravity stone (legendary relic, grants double jump)

Skall (Non-Binary Drow, level 5)

🗿 Turned to stone by a medusa attacking The Sanctuary as of 2/24/23; stone toe chiseled off by Sofi 8/19/23

Pronouns they/them
AC 13 (lightweight leather armor + shield)
HP 25

HD 5d6

Melee battle axe (1d8, slow, two-handed)
Missile holy water vials (1d8, splash damage, 1d6 usage die)
Hit Bonus [+2]

Movement Rate 120' (40')

STR 9 INT 12 WIS 9 DEX 12 CON 11 CHA 12
Saves D10 W11 P11 B13 S10
Alignment chaotic

Magic type divine (prays to deity for spells, uses spell scrolls)

Spells level 1: light, detect evil
level 2: find traps
level 3: locate object

Items amulet of Eilistraee ("The Dark Maiden"), lightweight leather armor (AC 12), shield (AC +1), battle axe, holy water vials, staff of swarming insects, level 3 spell scroll (growth of animal), candle of invocation

Heroic relic blessed lighter
